Due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy Fire Island Inlet is finally being dredged and the sand extracted will be used to replenish the barrier beaches to the west. The work described below in the Army Corp of Engineers Proposal has already begun. The plan includes dredging the inlet to a depth of 14 feet.
The Proposal
The New York District Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform emergency maintenance dredging and beach nourishment for the Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York Beach Erosion Control and Navigation project. The work consists of dredging of the Federal Navigation channel and deposition basin at Fire Island Inlet Federal Navigation Project with subsequent placement of the dredged material as nourishment along the designated feeder beach (Gilgo Beach, Suffolk County, New York).
The Proposal
The New York District Army Corps of Engineers proposes to perform emergency maintenance dredging and beach nourishment for the Fire Island Inlet and Shore Westerly to Jones Inlet, New York Beach Erosion Control and Navigation project. The work consists of dredging of the Federal Navigation channel and deposition basin at Fire Island Inlet Federal Navigation Project with subsequent placement of the dredged material as nourishment along the designated feeder beach (Gilgo Beach, Suffolk County, New York).
The proposed maintenance dredging and beach nourishment work would involve a Basic Schedule that requires dredging and placement of approximately 1,200,000 cubic yards of material at Gilgo Beach. The project is scheduled to be dredged to a depth of 14 feet plus 2 feet allowable over-depth or deeper based on the availability of material. The material dredged from the Fire Island Inlet will be placed along the Gilgo Beach shoreline, approximately 12,000 to 28,000 feet west of the inlet.
The work has already begun the inlet is being dredged and the sand is being piped to Cedar then loaded and trucked down the beach to the Gilgo
Thanks to Rich LaBella for this important information
photos of the work in progress can be seen on his Facebook Page
To see his other great photos visit his Website
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